There's something about people who know who they are. Or, even better, don't try to be any different than who they are.
Important in teaching. Important in practice too. Important in life too.
I remember sitting on the floor in teacher training, and Chay, one of our teachers, quoted, "It is not my business what others think of me."
Some in our class blinked. A few eyebrows raised. Disagreement. Disbelief. And I can see why. Our culture is steeped in the idea of letting what others think of us also drive our behavior and choices--from the way we live right down to our jobs and level of education right down to the size of our house and the age of our car.
But what Chay said that night holds heaps of truth and wisdom on the most basic level. And it lands in my mind often, whenever changing a little bit of who I am and what I stand for seems like the easiest course of action. Whenever I feel the urge to upgrade, acquire and steer my path in the direction of the most prestige.
It is not my business what others think of me.
Approval of the masses does not equal santosha, contentment.
But keeping true to yourself? Well, that does.
"Breathe from the bottom of your spine."

Not possible.
All true.
So why do things like this get said in yoga classes each and every day?
It's about concentration. Visualization. Awareness. Yoga often asks you to focus on your breath. The spot of inuit and wisdom (the third eye). The weight of your body, grounded into the earth. The expansiveness of your chest.
The purpose is two-fold. When we have something to focus on, it helps quiet our internal dialogue, our incessant self-chatter, the endless parade of thoughts marching through our head. Did I hit "reply all" on that email? Did I check in for my flight? Did I sign that permission slip? What should I have for dinner?
Clear mind.
Second, most of us are walking around so distracted, that we forget we're living in these amazing bodies. That, in the breath, in the movement of our muscles, there are a million sensations just waiting to be felt. And to make us feel better.
11:59:59 p.m. 12:00:00 a.m.
10, 9, 8, 7....

New Year or not, may each moment find you exactly how and where you want to be.
Amidst all the attention and excitement, it's easy to watch the ball drop in Times Square, and, at the same time, lose sight of the value of each and every moment throughout the rest of the year. Those many imperceptible ticks and tocks that we let slide by unnoticed and un-relished.
But holiday or not, time is
always special. Unfolding at the same speed, in the same fashion. Offering opportunity, failure, fortune, heartache, and, well, life. Which, in and of itself – and even on the worst of days – is cause for celebration.
So how we should we show our respect, our joy? However makes you resolutions necessary. Let's simply turn our focus from improving the way our lives
look—more organized, sleeker, shinier—to the way we truly hope these sliding seconds of
existence find us: present. Hopeful, happy and brimming with love.
New Year or not, may each moment find you exactly how and where you want to be.
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