Keepin' It Real
From close to day one, many of us are brought up to know that lying to others isn't kosher. What's a little trickier, however, and what gets far less attention, is the importance of being just as upfront and honest with ourselves.
Why? Because honesty isn't only words. It's not just a spoken art. Honesty is how we think. How we live. How we choose to spend our time and who we spend it with. In totality, it's how we put one foot in front of the other and walk through this world, around this earth.
Just as little white lies creep up into our throats unexpectedly, it's a tall order to be honest all the time. We're programmed to self-protect with dishonesty, to deny things, to remove ourselves from wrongdoing. It's my guess, however, that we're all – you and me – moving through life with some thing (or more than a few things) we're being dishonest with ourselves about.
And since we're all evolving and changing all the time, that's nothing to be ashamed of. But can you, can I, can we change it? Find a truth that's hiding under a cloak or veil? I think it's possible. And I think we'll be better for it.
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