
Asteya is a Sanskrit word, one of the yamas of yoga (codes for living). In English, it translates to "non-stealing." I remember when I first heard it a few months ago. I was settled on a bolster in teacher training class, and my first auto-thoughts were: "Don't take candy from a drugstore. Don't steal music offline. Don't rob a bank. Got it."

It was right about then that my teacher issued a caution: Asteya is not limited to physical actions. Yes, we shouldn't take material things that are not our own. But there are countless other ways we can and do steal.

Think about it: When someone tells you a story, do you piggyback? Tell your own story? You got a promotion? I once did too. Oh, you've been to Europe? I have too.

Culturally, I think we've all come to see this as sharing. But is it? Or are we stealing someone else's joy?

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