Going Thoreau.

Sometimes I want to go off the grid. Lakeside. Mountainside. Farmside. Doesn't matter. As long as there's a cottage. One that sits high off the road and water first spits rusty from the faucets. The type of place that has no yard. Just earth. Maples and tall pines poking holes in the clouds. A rambling dirt drive. And skylights to let in the sun and frame the stars.

No past, no future. Just now...and crickets. Beauty, optimism, and simplicity settling like dust in every nook and cranny of existence.

1 comment:

  1. The psychological backlash of the modern world. Life moves at the speed of 1's and 0's streaming through our achievements in communication. The computers, smart phones and television that we tell ourselves have made our lives easier. We run faster and faster each year to catch up but we are only human.

    Inevitably we break stride and FLASH!.. we saw it but turned too late and missed an opportunity. BANG! where did that come from? CRASH! Something we got right just fell apart. Juggling a million things in a digital sensory war zone. We become shellshocked. No longer coasting with life, but instead being dragged through life. We cry out "slow down, stop!" but the world will not slow down, nor will it stop.

    Our devices now have the potential to control us instead. We yearn for something simpler. It is our right to have the time to actually process our experiences. We are only human.

    Ps. Fireflies too please? :)
