At the center of things.

"How many times did you center today?"

With the speed our culture moves at, it sounded like a lot to ask. Kids. Work. Emails. Commutes. Who has the time? 

But it's not centering that we can't afford. Going interior, even for just a moment or two, has a wealth of benefits – and you don't have to sit cross-legged to reap them. Standing or sitting, planned or unplanned, short, simple pauses throughout the day help us view situations from a different (and distant) perspective. Centering grounds us. Revitalizes our mental energy. Gives us space in a world crowded with obligations.

After all, we're not just doers. We're human beings. And sometimes, well, we just need 

A simple centering: Bring awareness to your breath. Offer it your undivided attention. Close your eyes or soften your gaze. Deepen your inhales. Allow the breath to fill the belly, expand the rib cage and touch the collarbones. On your exhalations, send the air out in reverse: from the sternum, the chest and finally, the belly. Then scan your body for tense spots, and visualize your breath traveling to each of those areas, a swirl of healing, unfurling the kinks with each exhalation.

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