Self help.

Lately, except for moments of centering here and there, I've been letting myself get swept away – not just a corner of my mind – but all of it. Allowing it to follow someone's off-the-cuff comment. Chase an old idea. Circle back around my worries again and again, letting them take center stage.

Samskaras are powerful patterns, both emotional and physical. Scars. Good, like the taste of an early summer peach. And bad, like the time you pretended not to see someone in need. To me, it seems like the key to a clear mind, to self help, must live here, in our samskaras. Understanding our ways of doing, being and thinking that have, yes, lifted us up, but also where they have jarred us to the core – moments and life experiences that have carved ruts along our road. Deep potholes we are afraid to relive if we take a chance, step off the societal straight and narrow or even make the smallest, most simple of change.

To be continued...Helping the self get past samskaras.

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