Cluttered mind. Closed-off life.

"Maybe thinking so much is normal. Maybe 70,000 thoughts a day...really isn't that much, in the scheme of things. Did you think of that?" 

"Fair enough," I replied at the time, at the insight over the last blog post. Each to their own.

Cultivating stillness is a hard thing to wrap the head around. So why do it? Yes, it can bring a few moments of refreshing peace. But what are the lasting benefits? The tangible in-tangibles we can see and feel but that can't be clearly defined, easily measured?

How much mind space you have is how much room – how much possibility, opportunity – you have for life.

When our brains are cluttered with constant to-dos, anxieties, stresses – thoughts – we're maxed out. Full. At capacity.  

Like a closet brimming with possessions, mind clutter means there's simply no space. No space for now. No space for new. No space to observe anything beyond what we have, what is already there. 

That's a lot of life to miss, yes?

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