When it rains...

Photo credit: Rain HD Photography

I'd always choose a warm day over a cold one. A sunny day over a cloudy one. A cloudy day over a rainy one. But, then again, today, as water falls from the sky in sheets, buckets, drizzles, droplets and then sheets again – no match for my umbrella, flooding the streets and making it hard to get home, so different than yesterday – it's mirror to life is clearer than the clearest skies.

Sometimes life comes down gently and others it's too much to handle – there's no way to stay dry; it comes too hard, too fast. Flooding happens. Devastation. Possessions get ruined or taken away or become unusable. 

The spirit can drown underneath the rain too. But it is stronger than materials, than roads, than roofs. And, out of the darkest times, we all can lift our chins up, knowing blue skies will come around again.

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