Fancy yoga?

I'll be the first one to admit that a new set of something, like clothes, can give that a little push or motivation to commit or recommit to yoga – or any type of fitness or activity. But one thing I've noticed a lot of lately, especially when I was in teacher training, is how that new set of something has turned some yoga studios and classes 
from this...
into this...
But yoga isn't about image or about how much your outfit cost or how you look on the mat. (Sorry, Lululemon.) And, while wanting to look one's best is nothing to be ashamed of – and far from egotistical – if you're focused on or worrying too much about your threads, it can be a distraction from the real benefits of what yoga brings to you and me and everyone in between. Peace. Freedom from thoughts of material goods. Freedom from everything and every thing

Because our outside worries often reflect inner insecurities, if you're hiding behind any sort of mask – or coveting someone else's mat, toe socks, bag, whatever – you're not going to be able to unwind. If you're worried about how you're looking or if your shirt is riding up, you're never going to catch a glimpse of samadhi, or bliss. You're never going to breathe easy and free and clear. You're not going to get what you signed up for, and you're going to leave unfulfilled.

Even if it's just once, I think we should all leave the fancy behind and arrive at yoga class presentable but humble. An outward and inner humbleness that lets the true essence of yoga and asana rain down on us. Because, really, even though yoga has become big business, there's really only one thing you need to practice...

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